Delivery Success, with 5 Simple Steps


We coach change in Individuals, Teams & Organisations.

There is so much noise and confusion around agility today. Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban, Scrumfall. What does it all mean? More importantly, what is it all supposed to achieve for you, your teams and your wider organisation?

Many agile transformations fail. Firstly because we often don’t understand what problem agile should solve. But also because teams and the organisation are not unified in their motivation to solve those problems.

I will work with you to identify areas for improvement within your delivery process. I will tailor training to meet your specific needs. And finally I will coach your teams and your organisation to adopt and sustain these new agile ways of working.

Together lets create high performing and self-organising teams, through Agile Coaching!

Ray Kinsella.

Years of
1 +
Happy Clients
Customised Courses
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The Agile Coach Services

I can help you change to agile ways of working


The key to agility is understanding what problems it can solve for you. Get a full assessment of you specific needs

What Are Your Goals?

We will work with you to identify what goals you wish to achieve from agility. Together we create a plan of action to achieve those goals within an agreed timeframe.

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Every organisation is different. Our agile training is specific to your individual needs and based on the outcome of your needs analysis.

Tailored Training

Solid foundations and shared understanding are the keys to success. Our training will focus on your specific goals and provide the core agile skills and knowledge of agility, vital for your success.

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Identifying what changes are required is only the start. Creating new habits and making those habits stick is achieved through our powerful and individualised agile coaching techniques.

Creating New Habits

The power of coaching is not just about making change happen. Its about sustaining that change of time. Our coaching techniques ensure everyone learns to self-coach better habits around agile ways of working.

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Agile Coach Achievements

Hear out what my clients say about me.

"I gained so much confidence in our ability to connect with each other and generate great ideas. It’s amazing how much easier it has been for us to share our work and get feedback. I have the exact same teams, the only thing that has changed is our mindset and a few behaviors."
Anna Allen
Founder & CEO
"We tried to implement agile ways of working many times but it just never really stuck. With goAgile we working on understanding what problems we wanted to solve with agile. After that everything become so much easier."
Jane Anderson
IT Director
"Our problem has always been incorporating feedback into our products. It always felt do rushed and pressured. With goAgile we learned how to deliver feedback at a time when we could action it without all the panic!"
Jill Corrigan
Director of Product
"Our focus used to be getting software out the door as fast as possible and not really thinking about where it was solving a problem. Thanks for goAgile we now focus on solving problems first. Software delivery becomes our solution. Simple? Well it is now :)"
Wilfred Lyons

— How it works?

Agile Coach Simple Steps To Success

It all starts with a single first step.

Cut through all the noise around agile and start seeing how quickly the power of agile ways of working can transform how you serve your customers.

Ready to start?

Today is the perfect day to start your agile transformation journey.

All queries are replied within 24hrs.

Agile Assessment
Let us help you identify what problems agile ways of working can solve for your organisation.
Customised Agile Training
Not all organisations are the same. We will work with you to build and deliver the right agile training course to suit your needs.
Agile Coaching
Change is not easy and needs help to stick. Out unique coaching techniques will help general new and lasting habits.
Self Organising Teams!
Our success is making ourselves redundant. We leave you with a customised agile playbook and a lasting self coaching culture.

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Agile Assessment

Let us help you identify what problems agile ways of working can solve for your organisation.

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